This is Nicolas, Lorraine & Jannie's 10 yr old grandson. He stays with them a lot while his Mom is trying to find the right direction for her life since the death of her husband. He is a delightful boy--smart,funny, and handsome. I'd love to steal him!!

These are pix of Lorraine's house--upper left & middle are at the front, upper rt is the back porch. This is not flower season as it is late winter, but there are several blooming plants in the yard. Lower lt is my room, kitchen at lower rt. In the center below is a hot water Geyser Jannie has invented to save water & electricity. It controls the hot water for the sink and the shower.
Today's plan was to drive through forested hills to the old mining village of "Cape Hope" to have pancakes. They are crepes filled with butter, sugar, cinnamon, & banana, then rolled, and topped with whipped cream. After admiring the brilliantly colored wind chimes at the art glass shop (below), the owner suggested that we go a little further down the road to the sign for the nature trail.

The well-marked path led through boulders strewn haphazardly across a gently inclined hillside--it resembled a desolate moonscape. The boulders were oddly shaped and balanced precariously on each other with narrow paths between them. It took us about an hour to reach the summit with frequent stops to rest on conveniently placed "seat" rocks. The climb was worth every bit of effort when we reached the top and suddenly the entire valley at the base of the escarpment came into view!

In the picture at lower left, you can just barely see a small white building and a ?cell? tower to the left side of the shot. From beside that, we had a great view of the valley & the distant hills.

The downward trek required only slightly less time, but we deviated from the path to get a good view of the wild horses that roam this area.

By the time we got back to the little settlement, we were definitely ready for lunch!
When Lorraine came back from the "loo" in the restaurant/dive/pool hall, she told me to

take my camera and check out the women's room. The sign on the wall was a one-of-a-kind!!! BTW, a stompie is a cigarette butt.

At rt is the escarpment from the valley. The cell tower & white building are at the far left end of the cliff.