I have worked on this for 3 hours and cannot get the photos in their proper positions, but I will just work with what I have. After getting Nicolas from school at 1:15 today, we drove south to Chimp Eden. There are 3 large fenced areas which contain chimps of different ages.
The young woman who led our tour knew the name
and personality characteristics of every chimp.
As she stopped us at each enclosure, she tossed orange sections & macadamia nuts to every animal as she described its age and place in the hierarchy. Most of them would make good outfielders for a baseball team--they rarely missed catching the food. I tried very hard to have all of the chimp pix together, followed by the impalas, kudus, and other large antelopes; but the computer had a mind of its own and would not play by my rules. Maybe it didn't appreciate some of the names I called it!!!
Although this is the end of winter here, the sun was quite hot and there was not much shade, but I really enjoyed our visit here in spite of all my protective clothing. After finishing the organized tour, we spotted animals in the fields and near the dam. Most of the pix below were made then. Apparently there are also giraffes and zebras on the preserve, but we did not spot any (or stripe any either!).

Again, I apologize for the disorganization! Rick told me by email that if you click on a picture (or is it double click?), it will enlarge so you can see it better. Before returning to the car, we had a snack in the cafe.