First I must apologize for yesterday's blog. The darned thing published for no reason before I had finished, so just look at the top and ignore when it begins repeating. Today we finally walked as far as possible along the edge of the falls with frequent overlooks. This is Lorraine at the first view at the far west end of the falls.

This end is narrow but was very full. Continuing east along the path brought us to our first view of the largest section of the falls (pictured below left). We were very fortunate to have come at this time year as there was plenty of water but not so much that the falls become invisible. The local name for it is "the smoke that thunders" (Mosi Oa Tunya)

At several places, I needed my umbrella to protect the camera from the mist rising from the chasm. At others, I needed it more to protect me from the brilliant sun.

There are actually many separate falls broken up by islands and rocky outcrops. Many of these are named, and some totally dry up during the dry season. The Zambezi River was so calm on the sunset cruise last night, it is hard to believe the force and thunder of this same water.

Here you can see several separate streams; this is roughly in the center of this mile-long Wonder of the Natural World. What a privilege it was to experience this magical place with my friend!

This shot clearly shows the individual falls. We were on the Zimbabwe side (where our lodge is). The green you see in this picture is Zambia. The 3 pix below were taken straight down into the chasm where all of the water flows out through the Z-shaped gorges as the river flows south.
As we relaxed in the covered eating area near the NP entry & shop, there were many Vervet monkeys like this one who created havoc by jumping on the tables and stealing food. One stole a bright green lighter, but soon realized he couldn't eat it.
As I am putting this blog together, I am able to watch the animals come to the waterhole for their evening drink. Those are impala gathered around a salt lick that was put out for them today.
THIS MAY BE ANOTHER OOPS as it published before I was finished. If so, just disregard the repeats and I will get help from my computer guru when I get home (on the 10th). This will be my last post until after I get home. Thanks for sharing my trip with me.